Monday, March 11, 2013

BINAHONG, Asian Medicinal Plants (Part 1)

How are you all? started the inaugural post at SMART, I will discuss one of the the panacea plant in Asia, especially in Southeast Asia, which name is Binahong.

                                       BINAHONG, Asian Medicinal Plants (Part 1)

Division: Magnoliophyta
Class Magnoliopsida
Ordo: Caryophyllales
Family: Basellaceae
Genus: Anredera
Species: Anredera cordifolia (Ten.) Steenis.

Binahong or the Latin Bassela rubra linn is a medicinal plant that grows in lowland and highland and has many benefits in curing various mild disease or severe. This plant has long existed in Indonesia but only recently have become an alternative for some people to be used as a natural remedy to cure or alleviate some mild or severe disease.

Binahong is growing vine leaves. Commonly used as gendola or circular arch over the street park. Some are named binahong and came from Korea. But this plant is already long existed in Indonesia and called gendola (Bassela rubra Linn). Almost all parts of the plant such binahong tubers, stems and leaves can be used in herbal therapy. Now the seeds are easily purchased at the sale of the plant. These plants are growing well in cold and humid environments.

The History of Binahong
The Plants that said to have originated from Korea is consumed by the Vietnamese people during the war against the United States in the 1950s to the 1970s. This plant is also known among the Chinese as Dheng San Chi and has been consumed for thousands of years by the people of China, Korea, Taiwan, and other East Asian countries.
Piece of the story, In the Vietnam War decades ago, American soldiers were surprise, how can Vietcong soldier looked in good shape although previously severely injured. After being investigated, the panacea to cure wounds and the gunshot and also sharp weapons are Binahong. 

Three children ran away from the area of ​​war between the United States and the Vietcong Soldiers

Vietcong soldiers still looked fresh and strong despite were continued bombarded by U.S. soldiers during the Vietnam War

In Southeast Asia, this plant is compulsory consumption of the Vietnamese population against American invasion. At the Vietnam, Binahong became the mandatory plant, because all parts of this plant has efficacy. Binahong can be consumed immediately after washed, or they can be boiled. After chewing the leaves binahong will feel slimy, and quite good to eat if it has been boiled briefly as a mix of other vegetables. but unfortunately this plant is still foreign to the area of Indonesia. However, empirically, people use it to help the process of healing various diseases.

 The Benefits of Binahong

All parts of the plant spread is indeed efficacious, from the roots, stems and leaves. Utilization can be boiled or eaten as vegetables for the leaves. These plants grow vine. And will grow well in cold and humid environments.
Here are some benefits from this plant:
1. Accelerate the health recovery after surgery, childbirth, circumcision, all the wounds inside colitis.
2. Smooth and normalize circulation and blood pressure.
3. Preventing stroke, ulcers, gout.
4. Increases and restore the vitality of stamina.
5. Cure Hemorrhoids (piles)
6. Smooth the process of urination and defecation.
7. Relieve shortness of breath.
8. Helps recover your stamina.
9. Accelerate wound healing.
10. Overcome blood clotting and inflammation.
11. Recovering bruises.
12. Preventing stroke.
13. Reduces arthritis.
14. Preventing gout.
15. Warm your Body  

Additionally, Binahong efficacious to cure various diseases below, such as:
1. Diabetes
2. Severe thrush
3. Headaches
4. Stomach ache
5. Nose Bleeding
6. Itching

The benefits of binahong leaf is as herbal medicine to treat a variety of severe diseases and mild disease. Severe disease categories are coughing / vomiting blood, lungs, shortness of breath, diabetes, acute ulcers, fractures, kidney inflammation, low blood, mild concussion and itching.

Meanwhile, for the category of mild disease is dysentery, constipation, nose bleeding, burns, acne, intestinal swelling, bleeding gums, impotence, improving menstrual and keep your body strength. Efficacy of binahong leaves can be obtained in various ways, such as chewing the leaves directly or could mixes up a concoction or tea. Currently binahong leaves have many processed into a variety of drugs and cosmetics. We can easily find a tea made from the leaves binahong. Binahong leaf tea prepared from the dried leaves binahong, if we want to consume it we just need to mix with hot water.

If you want to know more about the nutritional value, cultivation ways, and how to process BInahong become healthy food and beverage, you can see it in Binahong, Asian Medicinal Plants (Part 2). 
This is the end of the review about plant Binahong today. Be a SMART reader

Thank you for reading this article and I'll see you next time.


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